When booking with a promo code for the first time, or with a new contact number that has not been verified before, there will be a verification process through a One-Time Password (OTP).
This OTP will be sent via WhatsApp. If the contact number entered does not exist on WhatsApp, the OTP will be sent via SMS.
Allow up to 15 minutes to receive the OTP.
- When you are expecting to receive via WhatsApp, please ensure you have a strong and stable internet connection.
- When you are expecting to receive via SMS, the time to receive your OTP depends on your local network carrier.
I still have not received my OTP via WhatsApp after 15 minutes.
Consider opting for SMS if you are using your local network carrier, or have enabled roaming to receive SMS overseas.
I still have not received my OTP via SMS after 15 minutes.
- If you are overseas and still using your current SIM, but did not enable roaming to receive SMS outside of your network carrier country, the SMS delivery may not be successful. If this is the case, you may consider booking without a promo code.
- Your carrier is blocking the OTP from being received. Please contact your carrier for troubleshooting steps.
- Your phone number format is not recognised. Please try an alternate phone number.
I entered the wrong contact number.
Make a new booking and enter the correct contact number.
I entered my OTP incorrectly and saw the message "Verification failed. Please try again."
Simply retry and key in the correct 6-digit code.
However, after 3 incorrect attempts to verify the OTP, you will be blocked from making further attempts for some time. Don't worry! This is temporary, and you will be able to reattempt at a later time.
Can I request another OTP?
Yes! In the event you are unable to enter the 6-digit code sent to you previously, reattempt at a later time so that a new 6-digit code will be sent.
Otherwise, the same 6-digit code will be sent again when requesting a new OTP.
If you still face further troubles verifying your phone number, reach out to us for further assistance.