1. Check the Cancellation Policy of your booking
Activity Page
Cancellation policies may differ depending on the options you select.
- If the option offers cancellation, click 'Free Cancellation' to view the cancellation policy
- If the option does not offer a cancellation, it will be indicated with 'No Cancellation'
Under the 'Bookings' Tab in your Account
By clicking on the 'Bookings' tab in your account, you can view your upcoming bookings. From there, select the booking you wish to cancel and find the relevant cancellation policy.
Click on 'View More,' then 'More Details' to find out more about the cancellation policy.
If you are allowed to cancel your booking,
- Free cancellation
- Free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance
- Free cancellation up to 2 days in advance
If you are not allowed to cancel your booking,
2. Cancel the booking through your Pelago account
Refer to the following steps:
a) Log in to your Pelago account on your desktop or device
b) Once logged in, click on 'Bookings' to find your upcoming bookings
c) Click on the 'Cancel booking' button, and select the reason for cancellation that best applies to you
All done!
Once the booking is cancelled, an email will be sent to the address provided in your booking to notify you of the cancellation.
If you wish to cancel a booking, some experience providers may offer an alternative date, time, or activity. Please contact the Pelago Customer Care team if you are open to rescheduling or if you encounter any issues with the cancellation process.